We are compliant and certified to ISO 14001, which covers environmental management systems. Under the umbrella of this standard and internal policies, we conduct operations through efficient use of materials and energy with minimum waste, prevention of pollution and damage to the environment. Our design review process reviews the design of all products and services to have no undue environmental impact, to be safe, and to be efficient in consuming energy and natural resources. Regular reviews of environmental performance KPIs are undertaken by management to ensure there is a continued focus on improvement of the Company’s environmental performance.
Reducing electricity usage.
We have driven down electricity usage on a per employee basis for the past five years, on a year-by-year basis, and have invested in energy saving equipment and infrastructure for our offices. We do however recognise that whilst continued improvement in energy efficiency is key to achieving our carbon neutral goal, electricity consumption is not the key measurement; as we transition our pool cars to electric vehicles, electricity consumption is likely to increase on a per employee basis rather than decrease. The underlying principles of reducing energy usage and measuring our overall carbon footprint remain fundamental to our operations
In July 2021 we purchased 31.5 acres of land near the village of Stogumber, West Somerset. The land comprises 14 acres of mature and young woodland and over 17 acres of open pastureland. The primary purpose of this land purchase is for carbon sequestration. Our staff will act as custodians for the existing woodland and will work with the Forestry Commission to plant the majority of the remaining 17 acres (7 hectares) with new, mixed deciduous woodland of 7,200 broad leaf trees and 1,800 native woody shrubs. This initiative will aid in efforts to offset our own carbon impact. Trees will be planted to ensure that ultimately all products and operations will have a net zero carbon footprint. Not all of the open land will be allocated for tree planting. As well as carbon sequestration, the project is also focused on wider rewilding to restore the natural habitat. We aim to create a diversified and protected environment with an ecological focus. The goal is to make the entire site a haven for wildlife and biodiversity.
In addition to specific direct initiatives, some of Viper’s own products are positioned as ‘environmental alternatives’ for the Subsea and Rail Sectors. For example, the award-winning V-LIFE product is an alternative to replacing failing subsea electrical equipment, therefore helping to avoid subsea intervention and the need for intervention vessels that can emit the equivalent of 100 tonnes CO2 in just one day.
Get in touch with Viper Innovations.
Contact us to find out more about how our products & services could help maximise the operational life of your controls and electrical distribution equipment.
Our expert teams are equipped with the relevant experience and skills to provide support and to answer your technical queries, email us at enquiries@viperinnovations.com or via our contact form.