Viper CSR Strategy Launch

July 26, 2023

Taking Action to Make Positive Change

We are pleased to launch our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Strategy 2023-2028. This document lays out our strategy for the next five years for our CSR framework and builds on Viper Innovations’ good work over recent years. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) covers a wide range of initiatives and responsibilities where our actions, as a business and individuals, will impact our employees, each other, our community, and the environment.

In our workplace, we want to create an environment where all employees are treated fairly, with a focus on health, well-being and development and offer our staff a wide range of benefits to support this. We are committed to contributing positively to our communities’ social, educational, and economic well-being, with regular involvement in charity and educational initiatives.

We are compliant with Environmental Management Systems and certified to ISO 14001 and are actively involved in environmental initiatives such as litter picking and biodiversity projects. As part of our Company standards, we also maintain compliance to modern slavery, anti-bribery and conflict minerals regulations and have an Ethics Policy in place.

We have set five strategic priorities which we believe address all the fundamentals that we are trying to achieve under our CSR strategy:

  1. A focus on the development, health, and well-being of our staff
  2. Continue to create a positive impact on our local communities
  3. A low emission business
  4. A resilient business
  5. Improve biodiversity of plants & wildlife

Our strategy document outlines how we plan to deliver against these strategic priorities.

We are pleased to say that our CSR strategy aims to ensure Viper is carbon neutral and in addition is aligned with the government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution with our product and service offerings. Viper’s Board of Directors and Operational Management Board will continue to ensure that staff are empowered to deliver this CSR strategy and that our CSR ethos is cascaded to all staff and shared with our stakeholders.

“We are determined to ensure that Viper Innovations remains a resilient business and becomes an exemplary beacon of how CSR can be delivered and that we can make a positive impact on the lives of our staff, our community, and the environment” Edward Davies, Managing Director, Viper Innovations.

Viper’s CSR programme is managed by a CSR committee led by Committee Chair, Shelley-Anne Douglas. CSR committee reports are reviewed by Viper’s Operational Management Board which outline the progress and new initiatives, as well as through regular and open communications which are accessible to all our staff, stakeholders, and the wider community.

We hope that other businesses are inspired by our CSR Strategy and are encouraged to take action to make positive change. To find out more about Viper’s CSR Initiatives, visit here

Viper Innovations.

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